16 Vintage Girl Scouts Photos | Free Download
Here’s a small collection of free vintage images featuring Girl Scouts from the early days, pre-1950! These are curated from various public domain resources, lightly edited, and are available for personal or commercial use as they are out of copyright in the United States. If you’re from outside the US, you may have different usage restrictions.
To download these images, click on the image to open it to full size and then save to your computer or device.
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Badge ceremony

Eleanor Putzski, the “Best Girl Scout in America”

Eleanor was a founding member of Washington, DC, Troop 1. This photo’s from the ceremony where she received her Golden Eagle of Merit, which you can see pinned under her Sunflower Patrol crest. More about Eleanor here!
Wigwagging (Semaphore)

This photo was taken in 1920. Why’s it called wigwagging? No idea, but if you know please leave a comment!
Bugle and flags

This photo was also taken in 1920. The flags are the United States flag and the Washington D.C. flag.
Dog rescue

Demonstrating bandaging techniques on a cute white dog. Love the girls’ hairbows as well!
Another dog rescued!

You think this is the same dog? Both photos were taken 1920-1921, so it’s possible!
Scout with potted flowers

I love history but I’m so bad at recognizing faces. I’m assuming this lady is important, but who is she? This photo was taken in 1931.
Bullseye (bow and arrow)

This photo was taken in 1920-1921.
Gun practice

Had no idea Girl Scouts did target practice! This photo was taken in 1920-1921.
Group of Scouts sewing

This photo was taken in 1918 and features a group of older Scouts sewing.
Camping in the woods

This photo was taken in 1919. Looks like a fun time at camp!
Scouts knitting

This photo was taken in 1942 and features a trio of Scouts knitting.
Girl Scout learning to knit

This photo was taken in 1942 and features a Girl Scout learning to knit, a baby doll laying on the desk in the background.
Girl Scout learning to sew

This photo was taken in 1942 and features a Scout learning to sew.
Girl Scouts gardening (Farmerettes)

Farmerettes worked on farm land during World War I while the men were overseas fighting. Learn more about the history of Farmerettes here.
Juliette Gordon Low, founder

I read an excellent biography of JGL a few years ago, and recommend picking it up if you’re interested in the history of Girl Scouts: Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder of the Girl Scouts.
I hope you enjoyed these images! If you use them in a collage or junk journal spread, leave a comment and let me know!