How to stop being jealous of other artists | 6 tips for handling art envy
How do you handle art jealousy? Spend any amount of time online in the artistic community and you’ll inevitably run into the Big Green Monster.
No, not Shrek. JEALOUSY.
See an amazing art journal layout on Instagram or Pinterest and think, “holy crap, I wish I could do that.” And often it’s not just about the art, but also the accolades that CAME with it.
Audience engagements (hearts, likes, comments), brand deals, big sales of prints, all of that can add to the general feeling of envy from seeing other artists do well.
The Big Green Monster starts starts to rear its head…
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Artistic jealousy can be damaging
Focus too much on how others are doing and you’ll lose sight of your own artistic journey.
Other people’s success isn’t a reflection of your own skills or artistic aptitude, but sometimes it’s hard to see that when you’re just starting out.
The more confident you are about your OWN art, the less you’ll worry about other people’s art.
But that kind of confidence only comes with time. In fact, it can be really DANGEROUS to focus on your jealousy instead of on your art. You get sidetracked, and then your art suffers because you’re obsessing about someone else.
If you’re struggling with artistic jealousy yourself and aren’t sure how to get out of it:
How to stop being jealous of other artists

1. Understand that everyone is at a different point in their artistic life.
If you’re a beginner artist, don’t compare yourself to artists who have been making art for decades. They are at a totally different point in their artist’s journey!
Don’t tangle your self-worth into someone else’s art, and especially don’t tangle your journey into someone else’s.
Instead of focusing on these other artists’ finished projects, focus on the TECHNIQUES they used to make them. Don’t try to copy-cat their art, but use it as a learning opportunity instead.
And don’t worry about how many followers they have compared to you, or how many likes their IG posts get. That kind of noise will just distract you.
2. Know that everyone’s art style is different.
Part of being jealous is wishing your art looks like someone else’s. But your style is your own, and you don’t need to copy someone else to be a “real” artist.
It’s important to develop your own art style, and to not rely on copying other people. If you’re constantly chasing after someone else’s art style to try and appease your jealousy, your own art style will suffer.
Your art journal doesn’t need to look like another person’s art journal to be “good.” You wouldn’t expect Picasso to look like Van Gogh, right? So why expect your artwork to look like any other artist’s?
It’s important to develop your own art style, and to not rely on copying other people. Then you can be confident in your artistic abilities, and stand strong against those jealous feelings.
3. Stop exposing yourself to situations that increase your jealousy.

If you feel yourself getting jealous over and over again, figure out what the trigger is. Maybe you’re on Instagram all the time, surfing hashtags, and seeing finished art journal layouts makes you upset. A Facebook group has dozens of posts each day with amazing art, and the Big Green Monster rears its head once more. Or a high-end mixed media art magazine makes you want to cry with frustration.
If you find this happening, then it’s time to take a step back. Quit looking at social media. Stop buying $15 art magazines. Unfollow that Facebook group for a while.
Remember how jealous I got from looking at Instagram posts? I totally ditched IG for about a year while I worked on my own stuff. And it worked!
Use that time away from those triggers to work on your artistic self-confidence, and to separate thoughts of jealousy from feelings of your self-worth.
4. Find (or build) a support group for yourself.
This is NOT: find yourself some lackeys who’ll blow smoke up your butt no matter what you do. This IS: finding a group of kind, supportive people who uplift each other. Don’t get stuck in your own negative feelings alone in your house with no-one to talk you out of them.
Getting regular feedback on your art, having a space to talk about your art journey, and being surrounded by other artists who are excited about ART! can be a wonderful way to cut down jealousy.
Sometimes this can be a Facebook group, or an online forum. Maybe a Twitter hashtag! Or you can meet up IRL with some friends every other week to hang out and make come collages. Whichever way you choose, find some support…and give support in return. I truly believe that uplifting other artists leads to uplifting yourself.
5. Read a supportive book or blog.
Sometimes we can tell ourselves positive things over and over again, but we need validation from an outside source. That’s why it’s so important to have a supportive friend group! But friends aren’t 100% available all the time…which is where this step comes in!
For me, I have a couple favorite books that I keep close by. One is Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, one of the first art books I ever read that resonated with me emotionally. Whenever I start feeling like I’m not developing my art, or that “everybody else is better than me,” I pull out my copy and read a chapter or two. It helps me to focus on something outside of myself, and it reminds me that everyone deals with these feelings and that I’m not weird for feeling green.
If you have a favorite blog or art book that brings you comfort, keep it close by. Refer back to it when you’re feeling green.
6. Turn the negative into a positive creative moment.
Whenever you feel jealous about someone else’s art, channel that energy into something positive. Write out your feelings into a journal only you’ll see, paint big angry splashes of color on a huge canvas, sew a really big ugly blanket to wrap yourself in.
Any time you think “I wish that was my art,” make something instead of just stewing in silence.

Focus on doing something creative! Instead of generating intrusive thoughts which only want to hurt you, you’ll continue to develop your art style even when you want to quit.
It really helps! I finished almost a whole art journal working through my own jealous feelings. 😉
Thanks for reading! I hope this post helped.
Do you ever get jealous about other people’s art journals? How do you deal with your negative feelings?
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Thanks for this! I’m struggling with jealousy of another content creator who is at thed top of their game and having a huge impact. I know I have magic in me too, but am still relatively new and unknown in the game. I have lots of support, know to keep working on my stuff, and feel bad about these jeaulous feelings because I sincerely have a lot of respect for this other creator the trials and tribulations they’ve experienced, and the work they’ve put in. Yet the feelings burn anyway. It’s always great to know I am not alone in this experience. I know it really comes down to fearing/resenting that no matter how hard I work on my own content or how good I become, there’s no guarantee of external fame or success. Yet I must go on, my spirit yearns to make…
Hi Emma! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I totally understand feeling frustrated– even though I wrote this whole post about dealing with jealousy, I still struggle with it myself! It’s a constant work in progress, honestly, but it definitely helps to talk about it and work through those feelings rather than bottling them up. And it’s nice to know that you aren’t alone in your feelings, either.
Thank you for making this blog. Since I was seventeen, I had been completely jealous of other artists who were better than me and getting praise/feedback from my teachers while I received only little to no feedback and even if I did, it was negative. Before that, I was receiving praise nonstop! I was in special Ed until high school, so nobody taught me the art fundamentals or said what they liked about my artwork other than “Wow, I like it!” Because I couldn’t understand why no one was giving me feedback on my art or why they shook their heads hopelessly at me, I became jealous at my peers. This continued onward in College and later in my late twenties.
I had to stop looking at Instagram because of every artist was better than me.
If I do go on instagram, it’s just to upload my artwork. I visit stock references just to get inspiration.
Thank you for this! Whenever I feel that deep, nasty jealousy creeping on me, I read this post and instantly feel better. I wish just the best in life, from the bottom of my heart! ❤️🫶