11 Vintage Photos of Dogs and their Owners | Free Download
Here’s a small collection of free vintage images featuring vintage dogs of various breeds and their equally vintage owners! These are curated from various public domain resources, lightly edited, and are available for personal or commercial use as they are out of copyright in the United States. If you’re from outside the US, you may have different restrictions.
To download these images, click on the image to open it to full size and then save to your computer or device.
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Don’t have time to sit here and right-click save through every image?
Get a bundle of all the images in this post for a small price here at my Etsy shop or for FREE by signing up for the (also free!) Digital Junk Journals Collage Club.
But if you prefer, you can also download images individually by continuing down this post.
And now: onto the images!
Big and small dog together

This photo was taken in 1923 and features the biggest and smallest dogs at a local dog show.
Young girl with dog (1915)

This photo is from 1915 and features a young girl holding a small dog on a leash.
Victorian woman and big dog

This photo was taken sometime between February 1894 and February 1901.
Edwardian man in bowler hat with dog

This photo was taken sometime between February 1894 and February 1901.
Edwardian woman with bulldog

This photo was taken in the early 1900s!
Edwardian man with small dog

This photo was taken between 1905-1945; based on the gentleman’s outfit, I’d guess somewhere in the 1910s.
1920s woman with dog

This is actress Marilyn Miller with her dog, photographed between 1920-1925.
Girl in hat with dog

This photo was taken in 1936.
Woman with West Highland White Terrier

This photo was taken in the 1930s (perhaps?).
Woman with small dog & big hat (sepia)

This photo was taken in 1905, and that doggo is a Brussels Griffon!
Woman with small dog & big hat (black & white)

Here’s a black and white version of the above photo.
I hope you enjoyed these images! If you use them in a collage or junk journal spread, leave a comment and let me know!
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